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Why we Should Support a Ukrainian led 'No Fly' Zone: A shocking video warning.

Invasion Day +32 Today Hoggy highlights our support to Kharkiv hoping that our readers will be able to view a video link from You Tube that contains disturbing and graphic images.

Meanwhile reports from front line hospitals in southern Russia suggest Putin has sacrificed his ethnic minority populations as front line troops, mainly Muslim, who have been used in his desperate invasion of total cynicism and slaughter without any thought or care for their loss. Elsewhere the determination of Ukrainian military resistance compounded by logistical breakdown and failures worsened by a total lack of long-term military preparedness is destroying the Russian Army on the ground forcing Putin to use up artillery and air ordnance now increasingly in short supply. This has meant he has had to resort to using valuable Cruise missiles and to delve into long-neglected old ordnance from the past which is proving to have a 60% failure rate in action. Seven Russian generals have now been killed out of thirty originally deployed. Putin appears to have finally accepted he cannot conquer Ukraine and now seeks to conquer the Donbas and split Ukraine in half, Korea style..

Now is the time for all of us in the free and caring world to continue our support for Ukraine and to continue our campaign for Ukrainian airspace to be free of invading destruction. The barbarism has to stop and has to be stopped. We will continue to campaign for peace and continue our support for Ukraine as long as they need it.

We ask everyone to please view the You Tube film from Anna's family and friends in Kharkiv which contains levels of content warnings. We acknowledge all who were involved in the filming and pledge our support to all the emergency services who bravely work on despite the carnage being wrought upon them. They are an inspiration as are all in Ukraine who fight for freedom and democracy. We salute you all.

This morning sees the 500th visit to the blog and we thank everyone for their continued support for peace and for Ukraine. Your support and faith in the besieged people is heart-warming and is bringing a very real reassurance to many in Ukraine. Thank you all. Hoggy.

Today's Letters:

From Anna, Kharkiv.

Dear Hoggy,

Kharkiv: A Shocking Video

This is Anna from Kharkiv again. Thank you to everyone who is watching your blog, it is absolutely helping and we want to thank you all for this show of support. WE are all very grateful.

Please will you ask everyone to see this You Tube video about my city. It is heart breaking but it is important people see what is really happening and not just see the BBC and other channels that will not show such things.

The emergency services and all the soldiers are incredibly brave and have held the Russian Army off despite the constant shelling. We really need the help of all of you to stop this slaughter going on. Please can you bring it to the attention of your government and ask for more support to stop the strikes from the air?

We really appreciate everything you are doing and our country is winning but at a terrible cost. We need more help right now.

Please keep helping us like you are doing.

Here is the link

Best wishes,



Dear Anna,

Thank you so much for continuing to keep us aware of what is really going on in your city. I have watched the video and it is very shocking so people should be warned.

The bravery of everyone involved, the film makers and presenter, the emergency services, the soldiers and all the people of Kharkiv is beyond belief and inspiring beyond words. We acknowledge you here and salute you all.

You and they will not be forgotten and Ukraine will rebuild as a monument to peace and the triumph of good over evil.

I hope everyone will be able to see the video and we send you all our greatest wishes that peace will soon return.

I will send a plea to the Prime Minister asking for increased support to Ukraine right now.

Keep strong Anna and all your family and friends, you are beacons of hope to us all.


From Bryn Stowe Publications of Scarborough

Dear Hoggy,

'Sunflowers for Ukraine'

This might help to cheer you up in the Hoggy office? I am sending you this quick preview of the cover of our book shortly to be published in support of Ukraine.

As soon as it is ready we will let you know. It has some really powerful writing within it and we hope to raise funds for Ukraine through donations to 'Hoggy's Fund' that we have set up in your name. We will send you details shortly.

We thought it might bring a much needed boost to your readers today.


David Lewis

Bryn Stowe Publications

Dear David,

Thank you very much indeed for this preview and we very much look forward to seeing it published and to read it. A great effort by all your writers and please thank them all from us here at Hoggy on behalf of Ukraine.

Best wishes to you all at Bryn Stowe for now,


Please keep your letters coming in: they are powerful statements of support for all our readers in Ukraine and in surrounding countries. Thank you all. Hoggy


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