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The World's Greatest Understatement: Russians say 'The War Was a Mistake.' (..!..)

Invasion Day +55

'Dear Collective West...'

Yesterday, Putin's latest wave of the misguided, poorly led, ill-equipped starving hyenas he calls his army, launched their offensive in the Donbas and all across the brave Ukrainian nation.

One last, all thrown-in desperate attempt to save face for that is all Putin can even hope to gain now. Reports suggest he has now committed to this battle, every last sinew of his poor but numerous army, scoured from every possible grubby source. A battle to save the remnants of his fast-disappearing imperial tapestry. A battle that may rage on for months, or possibly even years, draining the world and everyone in it.

The problem is that face saving is now a long-spent loan for Putin, as Oleg Tinkov a Russian businessman says today in his open letter to the west:

'Dear Collective West,

Please give Mr Putin a clear exit to save his face and stop this massacre. Please be more rational and humanitarian.'

Signed Oleg Tinkov.

Great call Oleg, but you are pleading to the wrong people. It is Russia that needs to save Putin's face by causing him, in economic ways, political ways, whichever ways, to call a ceasefire and an end to the war. It is a face that probably cannot now be saved but it is never too late. If Putin stopped the fighting now, he and the Russian nation might, just might, survive. If the slaughter of humanity continues he will fall with it. As we all may well.

Meanwhile, in Putin's most bizarre act yet as a military commander, he has thrown 20,000 mercenaries into the front line to soak up the attritional losses first, mercenaries it is reported who have only the personal equipment they came with and lacking any heavy equipment or armoured vehicles. An indication perhaps of the severe losses Russia has already sustained in this unwinnable war. Once they have been killed he will risk the remaining Russian troops of a heavily demoralised and depleted army.

But at long last Russia starts to wake up with TV news anchors and more and more people coming out to voice strong criticism, many calling the 'invasion' a 'mistake'.

Probably the world's greatest understatement.

Businessman, Mr Tinkov, amongst several far harsher statements, describes it today as 'a crazy war supported only by morons.'

We can only hope now that our correspondents in Ukraine and their families can remain safe and that they can be persuaded to move westwards to safety. We are thinking of them. We will not be desensitised here, nor shall be be 'normalised' to the situation. And we shall not be emotionally burnt out. The fight for freedom and for peace goes on. There is a collective will in this community as in many many others.

Today's Letters:

From Janet Fizz Curtis in Germany

Dear Hoggy,

Just a few shells of a different sort to help you keep sane.


Dear Fizz,

We definitely need positive images to keep sane right now, thank you for them. If you have observations on the German view of this war please do let us know them?

Best wishes,


From Will Henry P., Scotland,

Dear Hoggy,

In the Easter lull in writing, I send you this image from my pen. Ukraine will rise again.


A poem of support by Will Henry P


Look up, I said, at the bright blue sky,

Look at the gold flowers below.

Look forward to the future,

As looking back is not foretold,

You stand amongst the giants,

Bravery in everyone.

A country with a future,

As bright as the golden sun.

We are with you, all of you,

Every single one.

Even though the hardships,

A new future has begun.

So, stand up Ukraine to tyranny,

We will be there by your side.

To watch your country, rise again,

With dignity and pride.

Look up and see the blue of the sky,

Bright in every way.

Look down at the golden flowers

Listen to what they say.

They whisper in the breeze telling everyone,

The future is ahead of you, your fight has just begun.

Stay strong and resolute for your daughters, and your sons,

And you will find great support from me and everyone.

The world is looking at you with admiration and pride,

I for one in my own way will always be by your side.

In you Ukraine, the world will see that tyranny cannot win,

That a life of freedom and opportunity, here with you will begin.

Yes, begin with you, all of you showing us the way,

To put a stop to conflict so peace will rule the day.

And I a simple writer can say with great pride,

I for one am proud to know I fight on the winning side.



Dear Will,

Thank you for the image and the poetry too, and yes, Ukraine will rise as full European partners to be bigger, better, free.

It will be a new world order.

But there is much sacrifice to be endured by Ukraine and us all before that day dawns. Let us hope we all live long enough to be it.

Keep going and keep writing for the blog: your words and images are being both viewed and appreciated greatly.



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