Invasion Days +67- 68 Hoggy remains on a working trip to Cambodia so we write in his absence. Putin's rockets still rain down In Ukraine but today we lift interest with an offering from two of our wonderful correspondents, SUFT and Will Henry P.
Hoggy will return shortly.
Today's Letters
From Will Henry P.
A collaboration between Will Henry P and SUFT
In support of Ukraine May 2022.
The last thing I am sure anyone would want to read about is `rockets` however, I felt that a little smidgen (small part) of the history of the rocket will help explain why on this occasion the writer, Will Henry P, and the illustrator, SUFT have collaborated in a way that shows the Russian leader how dangerous, futile, and stupid his war is.
On this occasion, SUFT has added a touch of humour to his illustrations although I think it is more a show of irony of how such an object, on the one hand, can be used to destroy life while on the other can, on the correct occasions give much pleasure. So, before explaining the theme behind each illustration a little bit of background to the `rocket.’
Although not written down in 1232 the first true rocket is invented by the Chinese. They are used to fire arrows against the Mongol invaders.
Three hundred and sixty years later in 1591 the first multi-stage rocket is made by German fireworks maker Johann Schmidlap who invents the two-stage rocket to reach higher altitudes. A large skyrocket (first stage) carries a smaller rocket (second stage).
In 1687, Sir Isaac Newton publishes his book Principia, which contains his three laws of motion and lays the scientific foundations for modern rockets.
1898 – Space exploration proposed
16 March 1926 – Successful liquid-propellant rocket
American Robert H Goddard flies a rocket powered by liquid oxygen and gasoline. Goddard goes on to build bigger rockets and higher rockets.
1942 – Ballistic missiles are developed by German engineers led by Wernher Von Braun during the Second World War. They burn a mixture of oxygen and alcohol at a rate of 1 ton every 7 seconds. This is the first rocket capable of reaching space.
1946 – First atmospheric testing the United States begins using rockets as sounding rockets to make measurements of the atmosphere at high altitudes. Little was known of the atmosphere before this.
4 October 1957 – First satellite – Sputnik 1 January 1958 – First American satellite launches.
October 1958- The United States formally organises its space programme and calls it the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
January 1959 – Successful launch of Luna 1 sees the rocket fly past the moon.
February 1959 – First weather satellite launched.
April 1961 – First man to orbit Earth.
February 1962 – First American to orbit Earth.
1969 – Apollo 11 is the first space flight to land people on the Moon. Neil Armstrong is the first astronaut to set foot on the Moon. Twelve astronauts walk on the Moon during 6 missions. Ed Cernan is the last man to step foot on the Moon in 1972.
So, as you see rockets have played a very important part in our lives. Then there is of course the more colourful use of the rocket. Used to celebrate special occasions such as weddings, new year celebrations, and of course at the end of this conflict by Ukraine and the rest of the world as they defeat the aggressors of our world.
Considering all this, SUFT has come up with four cartoons depicting how he sees the stupidity of war. The top left cartoon indicates where the world would like to see Mr. Putin going and on top of one of his own nuclear rockets.
The top right cartoon SUFT adds the characters Wild E Coyote and the Road Runner two well know cartoon characters of T.V. and film using one of their famous ACME rockets to get rid of Putin. (hopefully, the owners of this cartoon series will not be too offended by the use of two of their characters)
On the bottom left and a slice of humour with our gallant Russian President pressing the red button which unfortunately for him is connected to the TNT below his chair. The final cartoon shows that those countries who fight for freedom and peace also have ballistic rockets and will use them if necessary.
So, I hope that this contribution to Hoggy will provide a bit of enjoyment in the knowledge that you do not always have to be serious to get a message across. On this occasion, the message is quite clear. We too have rockets and can use them in all sorts of ways as SUFT has highlighted.
Be Safe my friends WE STAND WITH YOU.
Will Henry P.