Invasion day +35 Putin, losing ground as well as what little face he has left, heavily seeks to re-divide the west: WE MUST BEWARE! Now is not the time to take our eyes off the ball and we must not let Putin regroup: he is very cynically using the very same Facebook and Instagram media he has banned in Russia to sow divisive messages and split the unity of the actions against him. We must not become his dupes as we have in the past. We at 'Hoggy' will not utilise these social media outlets because of Putin's continued manipulation of them and the use by trolls to harass refugees. The message is pure: Putin must be stopped in all his Machiavellian machinations and we cite some recent thinking on how to deal with such evil people.
Meanwhile on the ground as 'The Slaughter of the Generals' continues, every one of them now branded a war criminal in the eyes of the free world, we reveal some interesting news.
As reported by Hoggy in a previous post, the troop movement in Belarus a few days ago has a very interesting twist. Rather than being the Belarussian army as feared, it transpires it is indeed Belarusian troops but they have travelled to fight with the Ukrainians for freedom not against them. Viva these brave troops! Down with Lukashenko and all his evil cohort. Freedom and democracy will win out against evil. This is a war, the Third World War for the Freedom of Humankind. (Wording ring any bells?)
Elsewhere, as totally expected, Putin's evil outbursts about peace merely see him increasing this bombardments in the shadows of his own statements. We should believe nothing he says. He is a liar, a cheat, an evil man to the blackness of his non-existent heart. He must be stopped. And we must not be complacent, already domestic concerns are pushing this evil out of the headlines: we must build pressure on Putin, not reduce it. His tactic now is to play for the long game as he has done so many times before and rely on the west forgetting all about Ukraine. We must stand firm. We must never forget.
Thank you everyone for the wonderfully inspiring response to 'Hogswards'. Today's selection are powerful and we acknowledge the sacrifices and service of all our nominees. Sunflowers are being spread for them all. Please keep sending in your nominations. Hoggy.
Todays Letters:
From Steve Cherne in Wisconsin USA,
Dear Hoggy,
Valentyna Pushych
(Hogsward No.4)
There are countless unsung heroes doing incredible acts of bravery daily in Ukraine. Today, I want to recognize and nominate Valentyna Pushych for a 'Hogsward'.
Valentyna was a paramedic first serving on the front lines in Donbas and then in the defence of Kyiv. Her job as a paramedic was to respond, treat, rescue and transport Ukrainian soldiers wounded on the battlefields. She was known for her bravery under fire and her determination to help the freedom fighters who are defending their homeland.
Despite being clearly marked as a non-combatant as a paramedic she was shot by Russian troops as she was helping the wounded. An ordinary citizen, doing her job, risking her life and then giving her life to help the injured and dying.
Her bravery and sacrifice are inspiring.
Yes, an ordinary citizen who rose to the challenge and gave her all.
A true hero!
I salute Valentyna and offer a prayer and blessing for her and all the other unsung heroes who have risen up and answered the call.
Steve Cherne
Wisconsin USA
Dear Steve,
We salute her too, and the doctor who died on the same day and the volunteer we both name here and all those giving their lives for freedom, Ukraine's freedom and our freedom.
Valentyna, also known locally and endearingly as 'Romeshka' in Ukrainian, meaning 'Daisy,' died to save others and we should and will remember her here. I have laid down more sunflowers for her today and for all our others nominees.
(Hogswards 5 and 6)
Dr Maryna Kalabina, an anaesthesiologist, died when her car came under fire as she rushed her injured nephew to hospital from the village of Kukhari, 50 miles from central Kyiv.
Volunteer Anastasiia Yalanskaya, 26, was also killed as she delivered food to a dog shelter in Bucha, 20 miles from the capital.
They are all heroes and we salute them.
Thank you again Steve, and please feel able to continue the struggle for freedom with us in these pages, your support is inspiring.
From Peter Millar, Edinburgh, Scotland.
Dear Hoggy,
There is no copyright on this poem. No quotes from others. It
would be great if you could share it in these days of Lent and of Easter.
Thank you, and let us hold God’s amazing world in our hearts. Peter.
Every new day across our planet
there is a constant certainty moving in our midst - it is this:
violence, disconnection and radical change
are our sure companions and disturbers.
Sometimes the whole edifice spins too fast as we
ponder the human future and the divisions that ensnare us.
Yet within these shadows are fragile possibilities of light
always inviting us to engage with other visions and
truths - ones that spring from our depths:
emerging from places of insight, where life-giving
currents still flow freely in fractured times.
Ancient wisdoms that renew and restore.
I call it Resurrection,
while others who don’t go there, know its meaning.
Whatever our path, is it not the willingness to see
our world through the eyes of Love; to know we are all wounded
healers: to walk in another’s shoes: to touch the Good Earth and its radiant
Mystery, and to believe that farewells should be free of regrets that matters
most in every age?
Peter Millar,
Easter 2022
(Peter Millar, author and peace campaigner, was the Warden at the Iona Community in Scotland with his late wife, the campaigner and global advocate of the downtrodden and the poor, Dorothy, both of whom were, and are, still being major advocates of peace and justice in many parts of the world.. We are honoured to publish this poem in recognition of both their work for peace and justice in the world and for Ukraine. Dorothy sadly died in 2001 but left a lasting legacy for us all in the work she and Peter advocated. Hoggy.)
Dear Hoggy,
Putin: the Most Evil Machiavellian of Them All and How to Deal With Him
Much work has been undertaken in the past twenty years to identify evil people who have Machiavellian tendencies. Putin has all the traits of a Machiavellian to the ultimate degree and dealing with him will not be easy because he is so extreme, as extreme as the world has probably ever seen, easily outplaying Hitler or Stalin, neither of whom had the capability to destroy the whole of civilization and humankind as Putin has.
I cite the work in particular of British psychoanalyst, Dr Annette Towler of All Management Learning Resources (31 December 2020)
This is based on the work of Furnham, Richards and Paulhus (2013)
To stand a chance against Putin we need to:
Engage in self care.
Accept our limitations.
Engage in self compassion.
Rely on trusted colleagues.
Engage in a mastery mindset, believing nothing Putin says.
Focus on Putin's actions and highlight them to the world.
Focus on specific positive actions such as Hoggy style interventions.
Do not try to outplay Putin, he is an evil Machiavellian from the dark side; to beat him by his means you would need to be even darker than him and that is almost impossible, so evil is he.
Combat Putin by being authentic and speaking the truth at all times. The truth will win out eventually if enough people speak it loudly enough.
Do not try to beat Putin directly, you will not win: strive to do well and reach all your own goals or objectives. Remaining firm in pursuit of truth, freedom and justice will win out in the end. It is easy to be blindsided by a Machiavellian such as Putin so forever be on your guard and believe nothing he says at face value.
The most important advice is to remember your core values and adhere to your principles, then set objectives that meet these values and strive intensely for them.
Finally, build a support network and organisation of like minded people.
You are doing these things Hoggy, and that is why you and all your correspondents are delivering such a great service to the world. You should not give up but strive to reach as many people as possible so that the Machiavellian can be met by truth, freedom and justice by which he will be downed.
You are to be supported in your endeavours and with great strength to your mission.
Yours very sincerely,
D. Landau, (Dr)
Stratford upon Avon.
March 31st 2022
Dear Dr Landau,
Thank you so much for these very insightful and extremely helpful notes. We shall certainly strive to build on them here for everyone who has taken up the struggle against Putin.
It will take many people, much energy and many months, if not years, to restore freedom to the world after such evil had been flooded upon it by this one man and his dwindling body of supporters.
But we must start to build upon these ten factors that you have outlined and develop them as we can to meet this challenge and we hope that you will continue to guide us in this way.
We will report further on them in the weeks to come. Thank you so much for this help.
With very best wishes to all in the home of the Bard.
If you have supportive comments or any ideas prompted by Dr Landau's, or any of our correspondent's letters, please do write to Hoggy and let him know. The letters continue to flow in and we remain as ever very grateful for everyone's stand for freedom. Hoggy.
Please keep your letters coming in. We must keep faith with Ukraine as our patience and tolerance is challenged. Now is the time to step up our work, not reduce it. Thank you all. Hoggy