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Putin's Genocide: The Donbas. Destruction of the people he claimed as his own.

Invasion Day +85 Reports from the front line in the Donbas suggests Putin, deranged, bitter and viciously desperate in revenge for his global humiliation on the battlefield, is attempting the genocide of a people he once claimed were his own 'Russians'. How his lies are exposed.

The world waits to see how this latest battle unfolds but Putin's equally desperate attempt to hold the world to a last ransom over grain exports from Ukraine will finally seal his fate. Now even the countries he has sought to steal by stealth will turn against him as they slowly starve to death. The more vicious he becomes the more urgent the need to remove him, the more urgent the need for the world to fight as hard and as quickly as possible to end this war that is dragging us all ever more rapidly towards Armageddon.

Amidst the almost overwhelming feeling of disdain for the out of control Russian army, it is hard here for us not to show pity for the pathetic sight of the soldier convicted of murder in Kyiv. Abandoned with no contact or help whatsoever from the country he had imagined he had risked his life for, he looked like any loving mother's son. Caught up in something he had no real understanding of, frightened, alone, 'acting under orders' his only plea, long since discharged as a defence, he looked lost in some long dismal nightmare as he sought forgiveness from the victim's widow. He and the thousands of war criminals who will follow him into the dock in the coming years add more angst to the sad legacy of war. They are also Putin's victims, deceived by a monster and their mothers need to hold Putin to account.

Meanwhile, more aid flows into Ukraine, more anger, more war. But hopefully the mass of munitions and aid now flowing steadily in will defeat Putin quickly: we need the war to end and this is now the only way. A massive all out support to Ukraine and remove Putin as quickly as possible. As we approach the end of the third month of a vicious war we can but hope the Russian soldiers, even drunk as some of them appear to be, will put down their arms and flee. It is a reasonable hope in an unreasonable war.

Today's letters.

From Charlotte Gadd-Henderson, North Yorkshire, a voice of youth

Dear Hoggy,

When Can We Return to Peace?

If I could ask Putin anything, I'd ask him why he had to drag innocent people into a war.

Why cause distress when peace is the better option?

I'm sick of his stupidity. I'm sick of the quiet voice haunting my mind saying the world will get involved, that nuclear war will start and tear this world apart. You'd think the world learned from World War Two, from Hitler's devilish deeds. Yet following in a possibly similar path to the one that started the war is Russia's leader, Putin.

When can we return to peace?

I've enough on my mind but due to this, there's more. Surely everyone is smarter than this, beyond this. Yet there is one. One that's causing suffering and people to have left their homes. Will they be there upon their return? Or piles of rubble and dust where memories were once stored?

At least many escaped Ukraine and some have a safe place to stay in Europe. I hope this war ends soon for the sake of those innocent victims of a war without good reason.

Spring should be a joyous time to say goodbye to the cold touch of winter. For Ukraine it's a time of war, a shower of bullets and missiles of death and destruction. War has no true victor, surely we all know? Yet pointless wars continue, this time in brave Ukraine.

The world sits and watches and takes refugees. I just hope that when they return home there will be something they can call home. All we can do is aid the innocent and curse and scold the evil man called Putin.


I have also written three poems for Ukraine and the blog. I hope they help?


What is it good for?

People live in fear for their lives

As Putin's devilish destruction continues

More lives are lost, more flee to seek refuge.

On Putin the world has turned their faces

Such deep damnation that Putin faces

In silence Europe lies watching

Slowly filling with shaken refugees.

Ukraine is suffering but what is Putin's motivation?


Sunflowers bloom on Ukrainian land

Bright in their colours and tall and proud

So innocent compared to the wild

The wild battles littering the streets

Bombs and bullets and fearful tears.

These sunflowers show the hopes of spring

Yet the battling soldiers have crushed the hopes

The hopes of a peaceful springtime

After the harsh bite of winter's fierce smile.

Will these sunflowers survive this fatal blow

Bring back the hopes we had long ago?

Yellow and blue

Yellow and blue

Yellow and blue

The colours of a flag so strong and true

Yellow and blue

Yellow and blue

Why is Putin so cruel?

Yellow and blue

Yellow and blue

Against the hammer and sickle

Red and white and blue

Red and white and blue

Treacherous Putin's flag

Red and white and blue

Red and white and blue

When will Putin stop?

Red and white and blue

Red and white and blue

Will this ever end?

Best wishes and thanks Hoggy,


Charlotte Gadd-Henderson

Aged 15

Dear Charlie,

Thank you so much for this powerful entry on behalf of young people everywhere, it is a moving plea and your poems add so much to the call for peace.

We are grateful here and I know Lina and Lora, two other young people who we are supporting from Kharkiv will appreciate these words greatly. We have sent them another gift of money this week from Hoggy's Fund and your letter will add inspiration and hope to this ongoing support. Every action is a ripple of positive effect for Ukraine and for peace.

Please keep writing in this compelling way and we look forward to publishing more of your thoughts and words. You have become an activist for peace and we salute you.

With very best wishes Charlie,


SUFT our resident cartoonist lifts the sombre mood with a latest offering...

Thank you SUFT!

Workers from a scrapyard in Scotland indeed! Thrifty, thrifty. But we are glad you said it!

More news, views and submissions from SUFT and others tomorrow. Thank you all for returning so powerfully to the call.



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