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Post Jubilee Blues...and Yellows: Hoggy Plans Ahead (Social Media wins the day)

Invasion Day + 102 Hoggy hopes those who wished to do so had a four day extravaganza of amazing experiences. But Ukraine must be pondering on our excesses perhaps? The justification, if needed, is that democracy should be seen to be working and overcoming the terror inflicted upon the world by Putin. We should not cower in the face of the threat but show how 'normal life' can be as an example of the freedoms we cherish.

But is Putin even alive? Reports are still circulating around the front lines that he has actually died and his image only is being projected. We are sceptical of this claim but it is possible, however unlikely given the intrusive nature of life in he modern world. That he is extremely ill with his mind and judgement badly affected is now more than a probability.

As the jubilee jamboree fades Hoggy has now met with our new Ukrainian arrivals who are taking on the launch of our social media exploration. We have fought against it for some time but with the site visits at a low ebb now we feel we must still try to reach our Ukrainian friends by whatever means possible. hence the move to social media.

Serge and his partner are taking it on with enthusiasm and we hope that Hoggy in the new format will start to reach out once again to our readers.

Image courtesy of the BBC who raise the same concerns as we have: how can all this be regulated and controlled?

All is not lost as 'Sunflowers for Ukraine' is going out there across the globe, the U.S, shipment has safely reached Steve in Wisconsin and we hope members of the International Police Association gathering at Lincoln next weekend will take up a few more copies with valuable additions to Hoggy's Fund.

Please watch this space, or the new spaces as they come on line and have your voice heard for peace and for Ukraine.


Western military aid keeps arriving in Ukraine and hopefully will turn the tide of battle towards a rapid return of peace to this wonderfully brave country of people fighting to keep the world free. We will maintain our support for as long as even one person is watching...


Today's Letters

From our regular contributor, now back in the Fens, Janet Fizz Curtis,

Dear Hoggy,

We are back in the Fens now at Greenwillows for a while and wondering how best to help the blog. The main problem is that the war in Ukraine has slipped way down some people's agendas, probably because of everything that is going on right now.

But here is another poem, hoping it will help, somewhere, for someone...

'A Child’s Wish'

by Janet Fizz Curtis

Tall buildings shattered in the blast

That killed the children walking past

Some who were on their way to school

Were too young to know the golden rule

That when a mad-man steals your land

You take shelter, or you take a stand.

Either way, your life has changed -

Your friends, your dreams, all re-arranged.

Childish laughter and the school bell,

Rang out to announce the Gates of Hell

Which loomed in front of their little faces

So they ran to hide in different places

But finding no relief, their fate was sealed:

Their playground was Putin’s battlefield.

Those children won’t live to see another day -

Just random body parts in the alley way.

Young friends sitting quietly in class,

Murdered by shrapnel and flying glass

Splinters slicing through skin to bone

Who’s hand? Who’s leg? remains unknown.

As the children died, each said a prayer

“Love each other, deny despair,

Hate and evil must not prevail,

That is my final wish. Do not fail.”

Best wishes


Dear Fizz,

Thank you so much, the interest in the blog has indeed fallen and so yesterday I met with Serge and his partner who have come to the UK from the centre of Ukraine, and we discussed ways forward.

We have drawn up some social media plans and will look to launch very soon. We need to keep helping Ukraine for as long as we can and as long as the war keeps destroying lives.

There has been a lot of comments about the children who have died in the war but sadly the figures being quoted are probably an understatement of the true scale of the losses. Your poem is very pertinent and we publish it to reinforce the tragedy that is the death of a child.

So much grief, so many grieving parents. So much anger and hatred. The war will last long in the memories of all who grieve.

Russia has lost thousands of its young men, Ukraine likewise but as ever the civilian losses ae huge.

Putin cannot win, even if he lives; the will of the world is against him.

Thank you Fizz, your support is awesome.

Best wishes,



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