Invasion Day +38 Today marks the third week of blog posts by Hoggy the Yimp with an incredible 600 site visits now recorded up to this morning, thank you all, your support for peace is invaluable and every letter you send in provides a glimmer of hope to someone, and to many, in Ukraine.
It also marks the passing of thirty-eight terrible long days since Putin's invasion of the innocent Ukraine and the start of yet another barbaric Putin war. We stand with Ukraine. We stand with peace. We believe peace can only come with the end of Putin's barbarism by whatever means achievable. Please join us. Send us your letters of support for Ukraine.
Meanwhile on the ground there are slight glimpses of hope and heroism for us to record here. But just as we can glimpse them, and we might be thinking Putin had already sunk to the lowest degree of disgust it is possible for one person to have heaped upon him, he sinks to an even lower level, the sub-basement of depravity. The Russian 'Retreat from Kyiv' has shown the strength and the heroically brave defence of the Ukrainian armed forces who have driven the invaders back: do not believe the Russian rhetoric that this is a strategic withdrawal: it is a battlefield victory, however temporary, for the Ukrainians and the chaotic scenes of the hasty retreat belie the Russian message they are trying to portray. They may indeed 'regroup', what else can an army do in defeat? And they may launch even more brutal attacks in the Donbas. But this is a defeat for the Russian Army; their losses are staggering causing a desperate drive to scrape up military support from Serbia, Belarus and even pressed soldiers from the Crimea, former Ukrainian citizens in an attempt to force brother against brother, sister against sister for this is a war of all the people.
But the degradation of Putin in the retreat has seen children forced into coaches and onto tanks as human shields, what sort of deranged beast does this? And behind the fleeing tanks the ill discipled and barbaric troops, if we can even call them troops, have left behind scores of brutal crime scenes, every one a murder investigation to come, despite futile attempts to conceal the evidence by burning. Civilians filmed from drones being brutally shot down with their hands in the air, people with their hands tied behind their backs and hoods over their heads having been executed, the mayor of one town and her family summarily executed by the Russians. This is 2022 . Not the Middle Ages. The perpetrators, every one who survives, must be brought to trial at The Hague to answer for their crimes.
The Rise of the 'Real Russians'.
But witnessing the white blue and white global movement by the 'Real Russians' everywhere to protest against the war is an incredible thing to see take hold: spontaneous uprisings under a new flag stripped of the blood red disgrace of the Putin regime. The symbolism is so powerful that here we have brave people risking all to stand against the tyranny and the slaughter by de facto creating a new nation, the new nation of the Real Russia. We acknowledge every single 'Real Russian' hero and we stand with you in your heroic efforts to stop this war, a war that is stealing Russia's future. You must be supported. We have written a letter to the national press today affirming tour actions. You are very brave too in the call for peace.

Peace demonstrations against the Putin Regime by Pro-Russians in the Czech Republic. 26th March 2022. Not surprisingly, and true to form, the Russians of Putin are trying to ban the flag.

Todays Letters:
From Eleni Cotton, Kent.
Dear Hoggy, ‘Hogsward Nominations: The Red Cross and The Red Crescent’
(Hogswards No. 11 and 12) Good morning Hoggy, I would like to nominate the British Red Cross, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the Red Crescent for 'Hogswards' for the humanitarian work they are attempting to achieve under the terrible conditions in Ukraine. I have been a supporter for a long time but right now the need is very great and their neutrality makes it just possible they may be able to save lives in Ukraine, especially and hopefully in Mariupol and the other cities under such terrible bombardment. I forward the letter I have received this week from them which directs readers to their website and I hope you will accept my nomination for their work. I will of course spread some sunflower seeds in recognition of their work and the risk and sacrifices they too will be making. With very best wishes, Eleni, Eleni Cotton, Kent. Dear Eleni,
DO WE PROTECT PEOPLE? A letter from the British Red Cross
We’ve had a few questions recently around how the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement works together during conflicts like Ukraine. As I’m sure you know, there’s a few different parts to the organisation. And how they fit together can be a little confusing. So it’s not surprising that people have questions. And perhaps you do too. That's why I thought I’d write and share information on how we work and why it’s crucial we do it this way. As a first stop - there’s a great page on our website which breaks down the three parts of our Movement and what we do (check out the infographic, which I think lays it out clearly). And I wanted to highlight this page in particular: Protecting people in armed conflict. It’s a really useful resource. o we protect people in conflicts?
In a nutshell: when there’s a conflict, like the one in Ukraine, it’s the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) that usually takes a lead role in coordinating the humanitarian response. We’ve been working with them to make sure that the Ukrainian Red Cross, and Red Cross teams in bordering countries, are supported in doing everything possible for those who need our help. Of course, it’s hugely important that we can deliver this vital humanitarian aid to where it’s needed. Our neutrality and impartiality allow us to do exactly that. They’re fundamental principles of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement – we’re not there to take sides, we’re there to help people impacted. And that means talking to all parties involved. A key role of the ICRC is to speak with anyone, on either side, who might be making or influencing decisions that affect people’s lives or our ability to reach them. By doing this, we can deliver critical humanitarian care to everyone affected, get security guarantees to keep our teams safe while they do that, and advocate respect for international humanitarian law. We can only do this if we remain neutral. This doesn’t just apply to Ukraine. In tense conflicts around the world, Red Cross and Red Crescent teams are able to get life-saving access for precisely this reason. It’s just one of the many things that makes this Movement, that you’re a part of, so unique and so powerful. Thanks for reading. I hope you found it interesting – and handy, in case you wanted to tell your friends or family about why you’re with us. Best wishes, Ami O’Neill British Red Cross
Dear Eleni,
Thank you very much for this nomination and yes, we certainly agree with you: the work of the Red Cross and the Red Crescent in all wars, and in particular this one because of its brutality and level of threat, is outstanding.
It is very easy to put their regular circulars into the bin without properly considering them so your letter is timely and we ask our readers to support this nomination and their work wherever they can.
Thank you again and a big thank you to all in the Red Cross and Red Crescent movements for their humanitarian endeavours.
'Hoggy' is of course neutral only in as far as peace is concerned: we are fighting for justice, truth and peace for Ukraine and we are a deliberately partisan site standing with Ukraine to that end. But the neutrality of the Red Cross and Red crescent movements is duly acknowledged..
From Emilija Baraskina, Swansea University
Dear Hoggy,
This is Emilija, the cover designer for ‘Sunflowers for Ukraine’ and I write to say a big thank you to all the writers of the pieces contained in this amazing little book, they are very moving and I feel privileged to be involved in this small way. Please can you pass this on?
I really hope people will support the book when it is published on the 14th April and I enclose a small donation towards Hoggy’s Fund to help.
Good luck with the blog Hoggy, it is important.
Dear Emilija,
Thank you so much for your comments and for working on the book, the cover artwork is great and you have used Bill Petherick’s sunflower picture and the rear cover graphic really well. I will certainly pass on your wishes here to all the writers.
It is really good of you to help the cause with a small donation: every pound helps and we hope to be able to support a number of Ukrainian writers, artists and musicians with the money.
Like many of our correspondents we have supported several refugees already and have agreed to help five more with cash donations for essentials during their journey to safety. Every offer is appreciated and we will continue to do whatever we can from here.
Best wishes from us all for your continued studies Emi.
Please do keep the letters and nominations coming in, they are all an important contribution for peace in the world. If you can spread the blog address far and wide, we would be very grateful: Thank you all, Hoggy.